The Best Tactics to Grow your Twitter Followers for Free
If you recently created a Twitter account for yourself or for your business, it can be hard to gain the traction needed to acquire new followers. Of course, you can easily spin up Twitter Ads and quickly gain new followers, but that may not always be the best option if you are starting off. Ideally, you would want to learn, build, and scale your Twitter following for free before you dive head first into social media ads.
Here are the top ways I have learned to grow my Twitter following for free. I have done these tactics for myself and for some businesses I’ve worked with. There are so many ways to grow your presence, but these are what I think are the most impactful.
Follow and Interact with Industry Leaders
Industry leaders and/or popular influencers in your space should be your “backbone.” Follow them, including some that may not be as well known. Put them in lists so that you can keep an eye on what they are posting. If a tweet catches your interest, retweet it. If they ask a question or if you have some input, reply to them. Sometimes they may promote a book, a course, and/or an event they are hosting. Be sure to help them out by tweeting about it. They will be sure to notice and may retweet your tweet — perfect exposure to thousands of of people!
Search for Trending Hashtags in Your Industry and Engage With Them
Actively search for relevant news topics that may potentially come up. These #hashtags are what people are talking about, so you must be in the action, as well. Keep in mind that trending hashtags may not always show up everyday. Generally, the relevant ones only show up if big news comes out. If so, post a tweet with that hashtag and start conversations with others. Executing on this tactic can only happen depending on the right timing. This can be hit-or-miss. If you are on the pulse of your industry, however, you will get the exposure you are looking for.
Tweet About Industry Conferences and Events
Is there an annual conference happening in Los Angeles, but you’re in Chicago? Don’t fret. Just because you cannot attend a conference does not mean you can’t be an active participant in one. You must be in the twitter feeds of all the in-person participants and all the followers of the events before, during, and after the conference. Conferences organizers generally post speakers days before an event. If you would like to see a speaker, tweet that out. The speakers will notice that and they may potentially retweet you, which will give you the organic exposure you need. During and after a speaker talks on stage, they most likely will tweet out their slide decks or share photos, retweet them! This will not only put you in front of those speakers, but will help out the community by making it easier for them to find the content that they are looking for. Plus, the conference attendees will want to engage with you, because they might be looking to do some networking. It will be much easier to introduce yourself and get your name and/or brand out there. This is a very targeted and effective way to rack up your twitter followers.
These are just a small handful of tactics that you can follow to increase your twitter followers. To be successful, one of the most important things you must convince yourself to do is to be consistent. Consistency is key. The more frequently and regularly you tweet, the faster you will gain followers. So keep at it! You can surprise yourself by how easy it is to put your name and/or brand out there for the world to see.